
This website is a note to anyone who considers themself to be a good person and plans to vote for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election. It is not sponsored by any candidate, party, interest group, corporation, media organization, billionaire, or PAC. It's an entirely personal project. I'm just trying to relate on a personal level to those of you who are good at heart, because I believe that you are out there, you are willing to listen, and you are better than this.

What I'd like to talk to you about today is whether or not Donald Trump is really the kind of man that good people like you should support, promote, and choose to represent our country.

I respect your time, so I'm going to do my best to keep this concise. I also realize that you have probably already heard plenty of complaints about Trump (mean tweets, etc.), but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that nobody has taken the time to share with you a clearly-presented list of documented facts that show what kind of persion he truly is, as evidenced by his actions. So that's what I'm going to do here.

Let's get to it.

Trump is deeply untrustworthy. He constantly breaks promises in his business and personal life.

Trump is an evil, mean-spirited person

Trump doesn't care about you (unless you can benefit him)

Trump despises the downtrodden

Immigrants, poor, disabled

Trump betrays those who are loyal to him

Trump is a grifter and a conman, who is only running for president to avoid being held responsible for his crimes and to enrich himself financially. In just the past year, while running for President, Trump has launched at least seven different money-making grifts.

Why would someone running for President spend so much time on two-bit hustles if they really wanted to focus on what's best for our country?

It is clear that Donald Trump cares about one thing, and one thing only: enriching himself. He doesn't care about our country. He doesn't care about the middle class. He doesn't care about those who have dedicated their lives to him. And he doesn't care about you.

This November, I implore you: Do not vote for this man. You are better than this.